Friday, April 30, 2010

Graphic Novel

Black & white graphic prints are just my go-to look, I suppose. I like the impact of a strong graphic print, and the play of patterns, especially in black and white. I'm sporting a MAJOR vintage score: a rare, reversible 1980's cotton windbreaker in a vertical B & W stripes on one side,  AND a cute kitten print on the reverse. The cats are so cute! It is pretty comical, really, and you can't help but be in a good mood when you wear this windbreaker.  I like the novelty.

Black & white graphic prints are just my go-to look, I suppose.

I was having so much fun trying to pose in this outfit in the studio, that Ladybird Mango, this sweet B&W puppy that I'm dog-sitting, kept coming up to play with me and got herself in the picture.  I think Ladybird's was a perfect match for my pattern play.  With kittens frisking on the print inside my jacket, I guess it makes perfect sense that a puppy would be frisking at my feet.

Now Wearing:
  • Vintage '80's reversible cotton windbreaker, SPCA Thrift Store
  • Silk Graphic print camisole, Target (clearance)
  • Joe's, Dark rinse denim straight leg jeans, Macy's
  • Graphic Tote, Forever 21
  • Gladiator heels, Target


  1. That jacket makes me it. I was just @ the SPCA thrift & scored w/ my fav designer-Vera. I'm loving the long dresser!

    ~Hugs, Ina

  2. great outfit, nice jacket i love this post you tattoo looks so nice

  3. Love that phrase: go-to look. I'm going to borrow that (and credit you, of course) when the timing is right. I don't know what my go-to look is.. at the moment I think it's very pale pastels. But probably black and beige or black and navy... yeah, they're my wintry go-to looks.

    Thank you for your support, for posting that, and also for what you commented recently. I don't comment back enough but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you say, and the way you say it.

    Have a lovely, lovely weekend. xo

  4. Aaawwww!!! Such a cute doggy!!!! It´s a really nice one :)
    Your black and white Top suites you very good!!!!!!!

  5. Holy crap this might just be the coolest jacket I have ever seen. Not only am I digging the vertical stripes but then it turns into KITTENS?!?!?!?!?!??!

    You scored big time.


    and style too ;)

    lovely day,


  7. I love the Make-Up! I love the eyeliner!♥

    And I love the contrast of the different prints!!! So fantastic♥

  8. Thanks, everybody! What a lovely day! Just came home from an incredible thrifting adventure to find all these sweet comments waiting for me. So many of you I admire, love the blogs and the unique vision and voices. THANKS SO MUCH, FOR LETTING ME BE A PART OF YOUR DAY! xo. -Bella Q

  9. your jacket is AMAZING!


  10. you look absolutely fabulous! i am in love with your jacket (so unique!) and... your dog!

  11. Thanks, YOU! The jacket is a hoot, and I dig the vertical stripes on it. The puppy, sadly is back with her owner, my mamacita who just got home from a visit to Spain.

  12. i love the clashing black and white prints! Look great together xx


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!