Thursday, June 10, 2010

Antonia's Way- Meet the Maven of the Hub Collective

Antonia Lynn Slagle has a lot of pokers in the fire. Wife, mother of three, and high school teacher is just the tip of the iceberg for this firebrand. She's got A LOT going on. Recently, she's written a screenplay ("I've always wanted to"), trained for a marathon, and is learning the craft of crochet.  She's on the advisory board of Sol Collective, a non-profit community arts educational center, promoting "social justice and the empowerment of youth."  Oh, and did I mention she's also the founder of midtown's 1819 Hub

And just what is 1819 Hub? you ask. Antonia quickly answers:  "It is an arts collective, fiscally sponsored by the New York based Fractured Atlas, an arts non-profit group promoting the arts." Try saying that five times.

According to Antonia, The Hub Collective is "a small group of individuals, each with different artistic interests, offering a space to artists and the D.I.Y. community." The aim is simple: to provide affordable, accessible community space. All sorts of events can happen there, rent it, and you name it: casual meetings, friendly get-togethers, art showings and workshops.

It is even a classroom, sometimes. Not only are there art & writing workshops scheduled for this summer at the Hub Collective, but it's also a classroom once a week for the Sun Homeschool Group.  You can get more information about the Hub Collective on their Facebook group page, which can be joined by clicking here.  Members of 1819 Hub can sign-up for the newsletter which lists all the special events. A project near & dear to Antonia's heart is a curriculum created in collaboration with fellow teacher (and artist) Colleen Craig, and is a summer workshop aimed at high school students interested in creative writing and art. More information about this project can be found on their website,

No stranger to style, Mrs. Slagle has been an ardent and early supporter of the Citizen Rosebud. In fact, it was Antonia who catalyzed the CR label. She is also one of our best-est clients, having a great love for funky bold prints and great taste in shoes.

When we met recently, she picked out an amazing vintage native motif fuchsia mohair poncho, and a super cute pair of high-waisted red gingham shorts,  AND they both looked adorable on her! I snapped some quick pics of her outfit, a vintage red print sundress and the yummiest looking pair of cowboys this side of Roy Rogers. Note the glimpse of her adorable purse, a hand-woven bag with the ikat bug motif. Like I said, she's got style.

And speaking of style...... 

The Bespoked/ Be Quiet Vintage Fashion Bazaar, is coming up, this Saturday, June 12th. The venue: 1819 Hub. All sorts of amazing sellers will be there, plying their vintage and hand-made goodies, from from the etsy powerhouse Violet Folklore, midtown's vintage hot-spot, Crimson & Clover, to some exciting brand-new newcomers like Junipers Goods, Junkyard Buccaneers, and Lucy + Lois. And of course, yours truly, the Citizen Rosebud. Starts at noon. Hope to see you there!


  1. i wish i had such a fascinating teacher as she is!

  2. oh she has mad style, love her boots and dress.
    and yeah im only 5'2=(

  3. she does have mad style. always has. and she's a rockin' teach, her students LOVE her!

  4. Woohooooo! Antonia is awesome! I can't wait to meet her and everyone else on Saturday! And see Colleen and Nikki! Both of whom I have not seen in a long, long time.

    Thanks for sharing the history of the Hub, SO rad!

  5. First I have to say that you're kind words reguarding my last post were so incredibly sweet, I can't even explain how much it meant to me. And thanks for supporting me from the beginning, you are one of the first and I really appreciate it.

    Second, these cowboy boots are rocking!

  6. What fun dress and boots! I love them!

  7. yeah, i dont know i get this cravings to change all the time
    blah who cares right.
    and yah im adding you too
    your so cool and laid back!


You are rad. Thanks for your comment!