Monday, March 26, 2012

outfit post: 100% Thrifted (Neon + Camo)

There's no hiding it: Neon Sweater + Camo T-shirt + Wide Legged Jeans = 100% Thrifted.
My recent visit (ok, it was a month ago!) to the Goodwill has been gracing the pages of this blog lately. Boy, did those sweaters, coat and whatnot come in handy! Seen here for the first time: yours truly wearing wide-legged jeans. Seriously, I've been a devoted TEAM SKINNY JEAN player for years now, but this pair of stretchy creased denim pants really captured my heart. To be honest, I'm not sure what to wear with them or how to wear them so you may see some future fashion missteps. Bear With. Still gonna try. Today, they are paired with a vintage neon yellow men's sweater and a T-shirt found in the boy's department. The cardigan has been my constant companion (READ: been wearing it non-stop) for over 2 weeks now. And there's no sign of abatement. Expect to see more of it in the coming months; it's neon cheerfulness is my panacea for Seattle's cloudy grey days.

Wanna see some other great blogger stylings of 100% Thrifted? 
Click, my darlings, and fall in love: 

Fashion Turd: Sweet Charity
Helga Von Trollop: A View From the '60s
The Equine Bovine: Hoochie Coochie (Wo)Man
Ethical Fashion Bloggers: The Thrifty Outfit Challenge

Mix it, Thrift it: this first rate secondhand outfit set me back less than $25. Score!
 Now Wearing: 
  • Knit cap, freebie
  • Vintage '50's cashmere black coat, gifted
  • Vintage '60's men's neon yellow acrylic cardigan, Goodwill
  • .99 cent camo T-shirt from the Boy's Dept, Goodwill
  • Leather belt w/ brass buckle, This N That Thrift
  • INC. wide leg stretch jeans, Goodwill
  • Ruby + Bloom Chelsea non-leather boots, Thrift Town


  1. FABULOUS!!! *love* your new hair color!!! (((miss you, though)))

  2. The pants were actually the first thing I noticed- those are such a nice fit on you! Unrelatedly, I had to google "animal print" at work today, I hit "images" and ten photos of you came up! Awesome!

  3. Love it. The fit of those pants are insane. In a good way. Love the whole look.


  4. those wide-legs just fit you great. And you're giving good curves to that boy's t!

  5. Bella, I love this look! The acid yellow with the fatigues print is smashing!

  6. I love this look! Wide-leg pants - they look great on you and I'm sure you'll become best friends. I love my wide legs now despite being intimidated at first. There is no such thing as fashion mistakes!

  7. Perfection! I love the masculine tailoring of those trousers, the tough camo print and the girlie pop of yellow, they shouldn't work but they do, brilliantly!
    Thanks for the mention, you are too kind to include me amongst such bloggging greats! xxx

  8. That cardie is fab, it goes so well with your hair too!

  9. the seattle rays looks so pretty on you

  10. Loving this look on you. I do hope you're going to give us a 'romance' update soon and that all is going fantastic.

  11. Bella! Those jeans are really great on you....the fit is perfect! I know what you mean about finding something you love, but being unsure about how to style it. That happens to me all the time! :) Hugs! ~Serene

  12. I think those trousers look fabulous, the shape and fit are brilliant on you. It's good to try something out of your usual zone sometimes, makes you look at yourself in a different way.
    Love the yellow cardi too. xxx

  13. You found all of those fabulous pieces thrifting?! Amazingness! This is why thrifting is so much fun. You look awesome.

  14. I love everything about this look! Camo, neon, those pants! Too damn fab.

  15. What a great look! The camo and neon is a nice combo.

  16. Great sweater. Love the colour and your total look. Also really like the colour of your hair!

  17. I'm with the others...Your sweater is fab and your hair...Love!

  18. LOVE the cardigan over the camo. Unexpected, and thus fabulous.

  19. Camo with yellow never looked so the fit of the pants too:)

    Hope you are well!

  20. I love your cool neon yellow boy look!
    You can rock any look you have such a youthful appearance amor.

  21. you know why....wide legged jeans are awesome? So you can wear 4 layers underneath! ;-)

  22. love how you wear that t-shirt with a neon cardi, so fabulous touch of style to fight grey days!
    besos & fun

  23. I am loving the wide leg jeans on you! I never wear yellow, mostly because I have no idea what to wear it with, but you seem to have found the answer--that cardigan looks sooo good with the grey and black camo print.

  24. Oh yeah, 100% baby! I love skinny and wide legs. Nothing in between. Thanks for the blog love.

  25. I gotta get in on the 100% thrift!
    LOVE this outfit! So not 'you' which makes it so YOU!
    you rock my world all the time!!!

  26. 100% thrifted? that's my kind of girl! neon does look cheerful. I think I have the same pants. Are they Ann Taylor Loft brand?

  27. Shopping and the Goodwill or Sally Ann is among my favourite creative endeavours when time allows. Even more fun when done with a girlfriend. And fiscally responsible! As well as environmentally friendly!

  28. I love you even more now that you are wearing camo. Camo is NOT just for hunters who sit in deer stands for 8 hours in freezing cold weather as ice drips down their backs from the trees. (Yeah, I've been there. It sucks.)
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  29. Neon cardi alert!!! Great finds! :)

    P.S.: STILL loving that shock of red hair!! <3


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