Friday, November 29, 2013


I am stuffed to the gills with Thanksgiving dinners. Yes, plural. I was a glutton for pumpkin-ment/punishment, only it was pretty much a mountain of mashed potatoes and gravy, and various side dishes, including my boyfriend's nearly world famous green bean casserole. Oh, and I've learned that CIDER is what the pilgrims probably drank on Thanksgiving, so that too, became my bevvy of choice. ALL DAY LONG. I had quite a fun day- sans family drama, just me and the boyfriend, squirreled up in our nest watching a marathon run of House of Cards. Eating, lounging and laughing make for quite a good time. Hope your T-day was a good one, too. 

Sooo, whilst I had planned a post featuring a full-length pic of me in my glorious new Shabby Apple dress, uh, I didn't get around to it, and today am feeling so um...round, that I'm not sure this little glutton is up to an outfit post. My bad. I'm now a swollen pilgrim and feeling lazy- so this hastily pasted collage of my face over the model in her Shabby Apple dress will have to suffice.  Let's move on shall we?

I am so happy to announce the winner of the Shabby Apple give-away- drum roll please....

Are you ready? 
The winner for the Shabby Apple $100 Gift certificate is: Alicia Searcy, aka the Spashionista.
If you don't know it already, Alicia is a +40 blogger from Nashville, and happens to have Cerebral Palsy- but that doesn't stop her from breathing, loving and writing about fashion and personal style! If you haven't visited already, do take a moment and check out her blog, Spashionista - she's got some great interviews of some other fabulous people, so plan on getting a bit sidetracked, and inspired.

Now I am off to start a day of online listing- gotta get my best vinty goodies up in the shop to sell, sell, sell. As usual, I am running behind schedule, and have way more stuff than I have time to list. Feel free to message me if you're looking for something special. Meanwhile- 

Gentlemen, and women, start your shopping engines- BLACK FRIDAY is here. And keep in mind that SMALL IS THE NEW BLACK
Remember to #shopsmall, and support your local and small businesses in your area. Skip the malls, and SHOP SMALL, yeah? If you find something you like in my shop, use coupon code NEW BLACK for 20% off your purchase of $20 or more. Offer starts today and lasts to "Cyber-Monday," December 2nd. 

Have a great weekend, peeps! See you on the other side.


  1. Your thanksgiving sounds like heaven. Game of Cards was awesome, wasn't it? So another day to show us your dress, no problem. Congrats to the lovely Alicia! xo

  2. Sounds to me like you had the most perfect day.
    Congrats to the winner!

  3. Glad you had a good time, buddy. And that's a pretty lip-color.

  4. So happy Alicia won!! Congrats to both of you amazing ladies...and your Thanksgiving sounds perfect, Bella!

  5. Glad you had such a relaxing and loving Thanksgiving. (We don't have T in The Netherlands.)
    I can imagine you feel round and not up to photographing yourself.
    I am having some repair done on a molder, so I am eating very little. At least it is good for my weight. Hope this will pass soon.

  6. I love Thanksgiving Dinner and am happy it only comes once a year so I can over-indulge without lasting consequences. Love that Pumpkin picture. And a Shabby Apple Dress will fit Alicia's style quite nicely!

  7. I can't believe I won! I'm very excited to get my very own dress from Shabby Apple and show it off on wheels!
    I'm so thankful that you and I met. You are one gorgeous lady because your kind-heart and good character shine through no matter what else you may be wearing ;-)


  8. Hooray for Alicia!! Can't wait to see her in her new frock:). Your turkey day sounds perfect ... tucked away with your fella, delicious food and fab viewing. You're a crack-up ... love the first pic!! xoxoxo

  9. Congrats to alicia!! she will rock the Shabby Apple!!


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