Thursday, October 30, 2014

outfit post: GRANDPA STYLE

Heart the Hat: nothing tops off a nearly 100% thrifted outfit like a good ol' (Christian) boy's trucker hat.

Maybe it was the slip-on shoes, paired with the wool men's cardigan that made me think I was dressed up like an old man- but I just went with it. I added some of my favorite recently acquired brooches, a Jesus lovin' trucker hat, and these amazing new-old stock vintage Levi's red, white and blue suspenders, and Grandpa'd out!

Quite possibly, it was this great vintage mid-century era portrait I scored from the nearby Goodwill, that reminded me how great vintage men's stuff is. This white haired gent reminded me of a school teacher I had, in grade school. Mr. Braaten, his name was. It think we called him "Rotten Braaten" under our childish breath. He was terribly patient with our shenanigans, one of which entailed stealing ice cream  left over from a church Ice Cream Social, and sneaking off to eat it inside the baptismal.

He always wore a suit and tie, and these smart looking old school glasses. Wonder what he dresses like now that's he's long since retired,  I can't imagine him relaxing in a pair of Bermudas, a golf sweater and a trucker hat. I just had to pose with the thrifted picture before it got listed on eBay. Here's hoping the painting goes to a good home that appreciates the fine charms of "bad" Thrift Store Art.

Monday, October 27, 2014

outfit post: CAT + MOUSE

CAT + MOUSE. Woke up in a playful mood, the kind of mood that makes you want to wear your Disney mouse ears around the house, aka this vintage Disney kid's hat. Right now, it sort of sits on top the noggin' by a couple of strands of string, and pretty much falls off whenever I slump. It needs some fixing, and perhaps an re-make; the last time it was seen in an outfit post was here: ) It was propped up on my head all morning,

until it was time to leave the house. Then, I quickly changed the mouse ears out for a vintage black wool pillbox, a purr-fect companion to this gorgeous vintage wool coat with a soft white mink collar. 

Friday, October 24, 2014


WE ARE FAMILY. Every Friday, we like to put at least one item on the auction block and give 100% of the proceeds to a worthy cause. It's our way of being part of what's good in the world.

GOLDEN GIRLS: these gold and glittery party girl shoes are up for sale- they are a tiny size 6.5, ladies, but 100% of the sale will go to PFLAG.

You can learn more about PFLAG here: and you can place your bid on these golden girls right here:

Thursday, October 23, 2014

RED LABEL: Blue October

CITIZEN ROSEBUD/red label. This month we've put together some of our favorite vintage for an exclusive Fall collection, now for sale in our Etsy shop. We'll be listing a curated selection of our very best and season ready vintage garments, just for women. 

We're calling it the CRV/red label, and it's our creme de la creme for women who collect, 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mind the Music: Sky Symphony

The year was 1968. The world was muddle-wonderful. I was just a kid, just three years old, but the late sixties are certainly one of my favorite times of fashion, music and art.

I remember the way everything looked: colorful, naive, fresh faced.

I'm still drawn to things from that time. Like this vintage 1968 music box.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Picture Perfect: Taken

Taken. A photo-essay of paths. (All photos taken on an iPhone. Photo Credit: Bella Q)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood....

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

MIND THE MUSIC: Swedish Hoodoo

From a small village in a quiet corner of northern Sweden, comes a communally fueled, world minded "musical tradition" known as Goat. The band's origins shrouded in mystery, its current band members keep anonymous by performing in full costume, replete with a stunning regalia of vintage masks. The sound is pulsing, hypnotic, poly-rhythmic. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

OUTFIT POST: #plaidurday 4.0

PLAIDURDAY HURRAY! It's the fourth annual #PLAIDURDAY, and while I might be late to the (blog) party, I've been celebrating all day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

MIND THE MUSIC: Marie Antoinette is "Thunderstruck" (or How Classical Cello can Rock a Classic Rock Cover Like A Boss)

Let them eat cake, bitches

This is the ninth installment of our CITIZENS culture feature, mid-week: Mind the Music. On the occasional Wednesday, we post some bitchin' tunes to get your toes a'tapping, and you, happily through your week. Happy listening!