Sunday, December 27, 2009
Viva La Viv!
My favorite quote: “If you were born a freak, a freak of beauty, why not look like a godess? Why not?"
Bloom Noir

One of my favorite Christmas gifts was a book on Film Noir. Now, I thought I had seen most film noir movies, but my viewing of the genre seems to be a drop in the bucket. LOTS of movies to see and that means lots and lots of Femme Fatales running around out there to inspire me. The glamour of the ’40’s has aged remarkedly well, and I can’t seem to ever tire of the bold prints, the strong shoulders and lips of the era. Perhaps it’s the smoulder in the eyes that to this day, still promises a blaze. Now I’m in the mood to doll up in waspish waisted dresses printed in a loud floral with “power shoulders.” And I’m definitely digging up my matte red lipstick and black-as-my-heart eyeliner. Mood: NOIR. And I’m feeling most Femme.
Inspiration: Images by Irving Penn

A classic image taken by a class act. Irving Penn’s impact is immense, on fashion, on photography. Many words can & will be spilt about the myriad of iconic images he produced in his long career. I’ll leave it to a brief & elegant equivilant of a thousand. Rest in peace, Mr. Penn. You are already missed.
Have Cape, Will Travel

What a delightful way to travel.
Discovered this delicious image over a year ago from an awesome Scandanavian blog that promoted style on bicycles. It used to be called Girls on Bikes, but now it’s called Copenhagen Style Chic. You can see for yourself how amazing this blog is at:
Meanwhile enjoy the Cape Crusader in all her capish glory in photo above. I love the shock of red on the legs and from the bike, the simple lean silhouette and the fact the the look remains very functional. Think I’ll wear my cape today. Remember folks- “Style Over Speed.”
Fun at the Fringe
The fine folks at the Fringe have been working late getting their shop all prettified and ready for Second Sunday. I must say, Fringe looks amazing! Decked out in bits of everything, including a fresh delivered batch of Citizen Rosebud goodies. We at the Citizen Rosebud have been busy as elves finding winter finery for your holiday season. A charming selection of houndstooth, plaids, silks, woolens, satin & velvets all rub elbows on the racks and shelves. Will have more pictures later of some choice pieces but hopefully these pictures will wet your appetite. (These are all the photos I got before my camera’s batteries died this afternoon). Fringe is located near the corner of X & 21st in Sactown, California. Stop by 2409 21st Street and take a peek. You can reach the Fringe at (916) 706-0216.
I’ll be in sometime tommorrow after a morning a delectable thrifting!
Quaintly Quant

It’s cold & grey out, in spite of the California address. Rainboots a foot, Your Humble Narrator skips home where a cup of warm & toasty tea awaits her. Donning my favorite flannel Pendleton jacket, I can’t help but think about this charming grey flannel suit designed by the fabulous Mary Quant, circa 1962. Classic, and still surprisingly fresh. What I’d give to romp about in this sweet little jumper with matching knickers. Grey flannel goes perfectly with this drizzly afternoon.
Rosemary's Mia
Citizen BELLA

Meet Citizen Bella.
Her motto is “Bloom Madly,” and she is a riot for colorful, individual style. “I love eccentrics,” she declares while sipping tea with her toast. No stranger to eccentricities herself, she fills her life with colorful people. “All sorts are my favorites,” she says, and goes on to describe the dapper old man who walks his dog every Sunday. “I mean he wears a Porkpie to walk his dog, for chrisakes, a PORKPIE!” She tends to talk and laugh loudly.
One may suggest that she dresses loudly, but that’s not quite true. “I just like a good outfit,” she purrs, “something that is right for the occasion, something that expresses style, pizzazz.” She doesn’t like to ever look over-dressed, or seem out of place. “But I REFUSE to wear sweats in public, I must look presentable.” And what was presentable today? A black & white buffalo plaid dress, circa 1990’s, with a circle skirt, layered over a black lace slip. Belted with a polka-dot scarf. Simple black ballerina flats. With her super short boyish haircut, I suggest she looks like Judy Garland meets Grunge. She shrugs,” Maybe.” She says she’s on the hunt for a grown-up pair of ruby slippers. “That’d be the ticket, doncha think?”
One could easily imagine this gamine romping around in a pair of red sequined mary-janes. Oh yes, I nod back. Round trip. All the way.
Citizen Rosebud Launches at the Fringe
Citizen Rosebud is the love-child of RQ Bella, who hopes you love polka dots & plaid as much as she does.
2409 21st Street
Sacramento, California
Citizen Rosebud: woManifesto
CITIZEN rosebud
Citizen Rosebud is a Femme Vitale.
She eats her vegetables,
rides her bike,
collects old records.
Late nights, she guerrilla gardens,
hearts D.I.Y
wears vintage but looks to the future.
Citizen ROSEBUD thinks fast; eats slow.
She laughs loudly,
LOVES her mother,
VOTES with her dollar.
She prefers style over speed.