Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Citizen Rosebud's Bloggerversary

Two years ago today, I published my first Citizen Rosebud post over on Wordpress.  
There's been a lot of water under the bridge since that day. Now on Blogger, this blog is blessed with a couple hundred "followers," and has had a little under 20000 unique visitors in its young life.

A year ago last November, I made the commitment to post at least 3 times a week, and did so. I have become a member of IFB, and am part of my local fashion blogging community. I've been lucky enough to attend some pretty cool events in the service of "citizen journalism," and have made some wonderful new friends. This endeavor has been the catalyst in me taking part of several very exciting new projects. Who would have thought that by following through on my fancy of fashion that so much could come of it? Who knew that age 45 was the start of something beautiful?
The Citizen Rosebud blog turns 2. Bella Q turns over a new (floral) leaf.

To commemorate the 2 year anniversary of this blog, I'd like to re-post the very first post published November 30, 2008.

CITIZEN rosebud

Citizen Rosebud is a Femme Vitale.
She eats her vegetables,
rides her bike,
collects old records.
Late nights, she guerrilla gardens,
hearts D.I.Y
wears vintage but looks to the future.
Citizen ROSEBUD thinks fast; eats slow.
She laughs loudly,
LOVES her mother,
VOTES with her dollar.
She prefers style over speed.

To commemorate my bloggerversary I am celebrating with a giveaway. Check back tomorrow for the juicy details!   xo. -Bella Q

Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Friday Weekend- a Peek inside the new Citizens of Rosebud

Lindsay Rickman: Citizen of Rosebud
Styling feet courtesy of Jen Wade
A glimpse into the Citizens of Rosebud HQ
Kara of Crimson & Clover stopped by Sunday to show her support. What a fox.
Lindsay Rickman likes bright colors.

Blogger Melody Stone shows off the best polka dot dress ever.
Friends, I am just too tired to even give you the spiel about what a GREAT weekend this has been. 3 days of celebration and what a wonderful show of support. We got so much positive feedback and had a blast hanging out at the studio, drinking tea, and noshing with friends. Vintage was by the roomful, and many found a good home. Thanks to all who came, who shopped, who conquered our hearts. 

For more pictures of the Citizens of Rosebud's Black Friday weekend, click here.
Sign courtesy of Seattle-based artist, Casey Garcia.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

This is how we (BLOG) roll.

I recently moved my ever-increasing blogroll to its own page, due to the very lengthly list of people I want to share with my readers. I chose to support small, lesser known bloggers, with a few exceptions. I mean really, do we all need to blog-roll  Fashiontoast, the Style Rookie, Late Afternoon? I am confident that you all already know of of them, so why should I advertise that I do too?

Personally I find it dull to read someone's blogroll and the only people on them are all the name brand bloggers, all the big-timers. Y-A-W-N. I want to blogroll the hidden gems you may not have heard of. YET. 

There are so many sleepers, so many great up&comers, a stable of bloggy dark horses who are great reads but not so heavy on the rotation. Those big-time bloggers aren't going to have the time start up or engage in a blogger conversation the way a less trafficked blogger will. So my blog-roll is filled with people more like me, a bit off the beaten path, but so worth the view.

In addition to my blog-roll page, I will be featuring on my side bar a monthly spotlight of some of my favorite blogs from around the world. Blogs of people I can relate to and like to feel inspired by. And I think just maybe you might too. 

Consider this post is a bonus blogroll. I'd like to introduce you to 3 wonderful bloggers who have a great voice/eye/style that deserve more followers than they have. Hidden gems lying in wait for you to discover. Here they are in no particular order: 

Emily of the Daily Fashionista
The Daily Fashionista. This Virginian is a sweetfaced, sweet heart who seems to wear outfits I personally love on a daily basis. The fact that she always takes time to respond to my comments is an added plus. Emily's posts about her life in an easy-going style.

The Comtess knows how to bloom madly.
The Account of the Comtess de Ferveur. In spite of the Francophile name, this lass is pure Irish. It is apparent that she loves to shop and hits the charity shops with some frequency and posts many a pictures of items I'd love to see in my closet. She and I share a long list of common blog reads, so maybe that's why I like visiting her page so  much. She is currently working on a challenge to re-introduce 5 neglected pieces in her wardrobe and give them new life, so I am looking forward in seeing how it all turns out.

Meet the Dashing Eccentric

Closer to home is the self proclaimed "Tiny Junco" aka Steph over at the Dashing Eccentric. Living near San Francisco makes this Nor-Cal blogger virtually my neighbor. Like me, she's on the south side of uh, age thirty but has a youthful zestful spirit and a creative way with clothes to match. She introduced herself to me with an email telling me she "copycatted" an outfit I wore. And I loved her version of it, which of course looked nothing like what I wore, and exactly like her. Also a nature lover, this bright woman writes a second blog focusing on her nature photography.

So head on over, check out their blogs and introduce yourselves. They would love to hear from you.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

outfit post: Granny Chic

A big thank-you to all you well wishers out there. And an extra big DANKE to those who showed their support this weekend at the new Citizen Rosebud Headquarters. And to the sweet and lovely Lindsay who played perfect hostess offering everybody tea and cookies and making everyone feel at ease in her studio. I am exhausted, but elated. I am immensely touched by all the positive feedback and the support shown me by my friends. THANK YOU! 
I am now going to put some unglamourous 'jammies on and watch Babs do her magic in Funny Face. G'night all. I'll share my adventures with you by Monday!

Now Wearing:
  • Etsy- Crochet cloche hat
  • Thrifted seed necklace
  • Vintage '50's black sweater
  • Thrifted Cotton polka-dot dress (SPCA Thrift Store)
  • Target (not shown) black A-line skirt
  • Vintage polka dot scarf as sash
  • Target fish-net knee high socks
  • Thrifted patent plastic booties

Friday, November 26, 2010

Girl (Black) Friday

The Citizens of Rosebud Black Friday Preview sale is TODAY.
Today is "Black Friday."

It is also a day of celebration for the Citizen Rosebud. We have moved into our new HQ, and are celebrating with a sale. Two looong racks of discounted vintage starting from $3 dollars, and moving up to $5 and $10 hang patiently to be rescued. There is a special room reserved for exclusive Citizen vintage, my choice picks from the past for your imminent future. Prices start at $15 and up. Because I believe in you.

Day is going to be C-R-A-Z-Y, in the best possible way. I hope to take pictures of the event, but I make no guarantees. I'm got to bustle on in and hope for the best. There shall be worrying about little things like bank, signage, and pricing. LOL. I've never been so NOT ready for this, and ready for it ALL at the same time. So much left to do. "There's nothing to be done."  

So here today I celebrate: my passions, my ambitions, my vision. And simultaneously fret that I'm going to publicly & foolishly fall flat on my face. And starve like a proper artist. So with a huuge to-do list that will not get done before noon today I shamelessly forge ahead and plan to make do where dues will have me. 

In the words of one T.S. Eliot (who I always seem to reference for comfort):
"If you aren't in over your head,
how do you know how tall you are?

Happy Friday, friends. See you on the flip side.              -Bella Q

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Latitude for Gratitude

While riding my bike yesterday afternoon in Sacramento, under the looming branches of the big elm trees, on the wide Midtown streets, over to the studio to set up the space, I pedaled into a realization: that it's when we have less that we are often the most grateful.

Here are the things that I am deeply thankful for this week, in no particular order:
  • Mama Q: cheerleader, seamstress & patron all rolled into one
  • The generous spirit of Lindsay Rickman who is literally opening up her house to me
  • A certain Dahon Ciao 7-speed folding bike that makes getting across town fun and easy
  •  Dear ol' D, who seems to tolerate my manias and relish my company
  • The sweet community of bloggers, local & global
  • My cats, Boris, Georgie and Karl
  • My neighbors, many of which are also my friends.
  • My handful of good friends who without a batting of the eye are there to support me.
  • The amazing people I've met this year, through the course of blogging: business owners, artists, photographers, writers, designers, shoppers.
  • An impending pumpkin pie eat-a-thon which I enjoy every Thanksgiving holiday
  • Eggnog lattes

 Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


An embellished sweater by Citizen Rosebud
 Well, there won't be an outfit post today. I haven't had a chance to photograph any recent activities, because I've been busy trying to set things up over at the new HQ. We are setting up a space to showcase our talents: original designs utilizing recycled and reconstructed fabrics, embellished  clothing and hand-made items, and the Citizen Rosebud's collection of beloved vintage. 
The real Citizen of Rosebud looks nothing like this virtual photo.
In a funky, colorful setting, we've created 4 rooms for people who shop local, support artists and love vintage clothing. We have a room holding a terribly long rack packed with $3 dollar bargain vintage, a hall of "Five & Dime," with Citizen goods priced to go at 5 & 10 dollars an item. For the serious vintage collectors, we've prepared a room stuffed FULL of choice vintage pieces, including a 1960 oatmeal wool cape with fur collar that I've been holding onto since summer. I hope it finds someone to love it and take it home. In the Lindsay Rickman studio, we're displaying many of her original designs, including her costumes for a recent Ballet. Her take on the world is so beautiful and original I can't wait to start taking pictures of her pieces to share with you!

November 26th marks "Black Friday" and the premier preview sale of the Citizens of Rosebud. This is a special 3-day sale to celebrate the beginning of our new headquarters, creative studio and social salon. If you live in Sacramento and would like to celebrate with us, please email me for more information. 
Send your inquiries to:

You can also check out the details of the event over at Facebook by clicking here. Be sure to RSVP! 
The Midtown Bazaar features locally made arts & crafts & family fun every Saturday at 1616 I Street, Midtown Sacramento.
My latest post over at the Midtown Bazaar blogs features their Vendor of the Week, Whatever Wacky U Wear, and  the label is a business after my own heart: all items are made from recycled materials. To read more about the fun & wacky world of Whatever Wacky U Wear click here.

Friday, November 19, 2010

15 minutes


There's a lovely little interview of me by Sarah Hansel on the back page of this week's Sacramento News & Review. Seriously. Never would I have ever predicted that little ol' me would be making it on the pages of the SN&R, or the Midtown Monthly, and this month I got a mention in both. Fucking rad, ladies and gentlemen. F.u.c.k.i.n.g. Rad. 

If you're not from these parts and still would like to read it, have no fear, I put a link to the article here.

Ya still in the mood for some little local reading? Check out Kerry's great article from her Fashion, Farms and Freedom blog. She's been hitting home-runs in great posts over there,  including this one.

Here's a Sacramento blog that hits a little more on the literary side of things than fashion, but with her love of all things design, a certain Chloe Daley has piqued my interest. Turns out, we are both RABID fans of Martin Mattox! You can check out Chloe's blog by clicking here.

And speaking of Martin Mattox: they've been busy as ever. Not only have Tim & Linda Arbogast (the brawn & brain behind the Martin Mattox brand) been burning the midnight oil with their design work AND keeping the Martin Mattox  well-stocked at the 'Trove, they have now started collecting seriously essential vintage men's wear. Offering a sharp sartorial selection of handsome vintage pieces, Martin Mattox is now doing for gents what they've been doing for living rooms:  offering pivotal pieces to spruce up or supplement what you already have. From what I've heard, the killer vintage Levi jackets, English Tweed blazers, and perfect plaid Pendletons have been flying off the shelves. 

If that's not enough already, Martin Mattox has just opened a second location in Carmichael.  Yesterday the doors opened in a new shop called Veranda, and in it, you'll find 2 rooms chock full of Martin Mattox finds. Here's the address in case you want to go shopping:

5916 Palm Drive, Carmichael, Ca 95608 
Hours: Thursday - Sunday 10:30am - 5:30 pm

Unfortunately, I won't be able to do any shopping this weekend; I'll be in the process of moving the Citizen Rosebud work studio into its new Headquarters. And basking in my 15 minutes. Happy weekend, peeps! -Bella Q

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Citizens of Rosebud, Unite!

When it comes to talent, Sacramento designer Lindsay Rickman has it made in the shade
Last July, I ran into my friend and local fashion designer, Linday Rickman in front of our favorite vintage shop, Crimson & Clover. She was with a friend visiting from Sweden, and I LOVED their street style so much, me and my pal Kerry Dolan snapped a bunch of pictures. I posted them here.
For over a year we vowed to meet for coffee, but just never quite got around to it. Until recently, when I began to write an article about her. I'd been seriously thinking about freelance writing, and since I've been wanting to cover local talent and fashion, interviewing Lindsay was a no-brainer. Sadly, the interview is now lost, along with the incredible photo shoot I shot with her when my computer crashed. Which sucks, but I have to move on, and let it go.

Lately, Lindsay had been on my mind. She has so much talent and good vibes.  Her costumes for a recent ballet astounded me. I loved her creative re-use of fabric, her original designs and her obsession with vivid colors and mad dash of prints. Over a cuppa, we decided we would organize a fashion show, or a trunk show together.Well due to recent uh, un-circumstances, we are now going bolder, bigger. We are going to team up and share a space.

And we need your support! This week, I'll be moving the Citizen shop into her studio. We'll set up shop and have a trunk show: you're invited! For those who can't make it to Sacramento, don't worry. I'll be working on filling our respective Etsy shops where you can shop 24-7. . If you'd like to contribute to our business plans please donate to our "Citizens of Rosebud" fund. By donating via Chip-in you can help me get a small business up and going. For any contributions over $50.00, we can offer you a matching "Citizen Rosebucks" good towards any Citizen Rosebud future purchase. Click here to support the Citizen!

Photo credits: Kerry Dolan

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Blogger & her Camera

The Sacramento fashion blogger is never far from her camera.  Whatever her personal style, it's her voice and her point of view is what makes her stand out from the crowd. These bloggers are just as much editors, writers and photographers as they are fashionistas. Each rely as much on what's in the camera bag as the make-up bag. What's your fashion blogger essential?

The bloggers: 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Second Sunday

CONGRAATS to the flaxen goddess HAINE for winning the contest over at  VOGUE GONE ROGUE. While her blonde BEAUTY, cool style and professionally done photo was hands-down the winning entry, Kristy Elena gave me Honorable Mention. I ACTUALLY CAME IN SECOND PLACE!

So a big THANK YOU to all those voted for me. I'm so touched by the many of you who rallied on my behalf, including a handful of dudes who wouldn't normally visit a fashion blog. THANK YOU!

A big shout out to the other contestants who include the immensely popular LOUD MOUTH, BROOKLYN'S BRITCHES , and HAUTE & FIERCE. I feel truly honored to have made it to the final 5 with the likes of lovely you.

Today is "Second Sunday."

Like "Second Saturdays," it is a monthly event, not to be missed. Yesterday for Second Saturday, I went to the Midtown Bazaar and sampled the edibles at the market. I was not disappointed. Of special note was the crazy good Toffee Cookie, made by Gram's Cookies. Gram makes the most delicious cookies I've ever tasted in my life, and is the sweetest little Gram'ma I've ever met! Her cookies are made with love and you can taste it. 

Second Sunday is a large outdoor antique fair that tastes place close to my neighborhood. At the edge of midtown, underneath the canopy of a freeway overpass, hundreds of antique dealers and sellers have set up shop and sell a vast assortment of goods. This is a regular destination for many antique dealers and interior designers, and there are scores of vintage gems waiting to be discovered here. So, if you're in the area, and love antiques and vintage, be sure to swing the Sacramento Antique Fair. Click here for more details. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Inspiration: Iris Apfel is a Rare Bird

Style Icon Iris Apfel KNOWS how to mix her patterns
Aw, ya gotta love A Rare Bird.   I'm not even going to write about Iris Apfel, I just want to share this great image of her. She's been written about all over. If you don't recognize the name here's a quick wiki post about her. No stranger to mixology herself, Kelly Framel, aka the Glamourai has waxed poetic about this style icon many times. 1. 2. 3.

The recent tsk-tsking over my floral overkill over at Vogue Gone Rogue's fashion contest (which ends today by the way) in which a detester proclaimed "Citizen Rosebud is the ugliest combination I have ever seen" and that "something is missing from that picture, and its not a hat, but some Christmas lights," sparked a quick discussion of what was "fashionable." I maintain it takes ALL types, as for me style is about self-expression, and "ugly words" directed at someone who puts themselves out there is NEVER in style. BUT it got my mind rolling over my list of wonderful over-the-top dressing real life people, who inspire my style, who love expressing their unique selves. Iris Apfel's visage instantly popped into my mind. 
I absolutely LOVE her look, her way of dress. I don't expect everyone to love it, or to try to dress this way: it is a uniquely Iris. To me she looks like a woman who drinks in life, laughs often and has explored the world. I like those kind of people, people like Iris Apfel, who is for me, a very definite style inspiration.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Coming Up (Rosebuds)

Silver linings, silver linings.

I've never been a big fan of roller coasters. I'm scared of heights, and don't take kindly to the crawling up  & crashing downs of a thrill ride. That includes the metaphoric ones.  As some of you may know, I was recently put on a proverbial roller coaster when I was let go of what I considered to be my "day job," the practical job, you know, the paycheck-that-pays-the-rent-job. 

My "job" as blogger for the Citizen, and vintage clothes "rescuer" has been up until now,  purely a labor of love. My posting here, and contributions to Street Style SACRAMENTO are much more vocational than professional, and while I've dreamed of one-day earning my keep as the chronicler of Sacramento style, I have had no illusions about the possibility of that happening any time soon.

Ya know, dues must be paid, and so forth. Well "due" to a sudden influx of time on my hands, and drastic uh, outflux of income, I've been much more open to writing/blogging opportunities that come with some monetary benefit. So lottsa downs, and some bumps.

And here's an up.

Now wearing a button embellished Citizen Rosebud sweater and button ear-rings by New/Old Jewelry

I've been a big fan of the Midtown Bazaar, a Saturday community marketplace for awhile now. This summer it took place at the parking lot on the corner J & 16th. It has since moved indoors on I Street very close to its original location. I've written about it here, and here. I've shopped there, chatted up the wonderful craft vendors there, and made some friends there. I like the place. 

You can probably imagine my surprise when Sabrina Berhane, (one of the masterminds behind the Bazaar) contacted me, offering me an opportunity to blog for the Midtown Bazaar. So I've been busy setting up the blog, and am so looking forward to being part of this wonderful community. When the blog goes "live," I'll be sure to post a link of it here on the Citizen Rosebud. 

Meanwhile let me introduce you to the Midtown Bazaar's unofficial "Mayor of Midtown," Steven Michael Millington. I recently featured him over at Street Style SACRAMENTO, when he donned his mayoral costume for Halloween. What a handsome candidate! 

Sabrina and Steven take part in the hug fest that happens Saturdays at the Midtown Bazaar
Steven and his partner create a charm-filled line of jewelry using re-purposed materials, including one of my favorite materials: vintage buttons! They are having a huuuge sale this Saturday at the NewOld Jewelry booth, where you can get 25% off EVERYTHING priced $20 bucks or more. Here are some examples of his work to get your gears grinding: 

 Join Steven this Saturday for Second Saturday at the Midtown Bazaar!

      Midtown Bazaar 
      is located on I Street between 16th & 17th.
      10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 

AND~ Don't forget to vote for me on Vogue Gone Rogue's contest. Remember one IP address per vote. Voting ends Thursday, November 11th, 9 p.m., Milano time. 
The lucky winner will be announced Saturday, November 13th. Tell your friends! Vote for the Citizen!

A shout out to all my friends who've taken the time & voted for me. Without you, I wouldn't stand a chance. 
                                                   xo. -Bella Q

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fashion Bloggers in the Magazines

Usually Bloggers post pictures from magazines, not the other way around. But this month, local lovable Sacramento read, the Midtown Monthly has an article about Sacramento Fashion bloggers, featured in this month's literary issue. Written by freelance journalist and blogger, Melody Stone, "Sacto Fashion Blogroll" gives a run-down of some local style bloggers. Many of the ladies who have been part of our blogger meet-up are mentioned, including yours truly. So take a minute and read the lovely piece online, over at the Midtown Monthly website. You can read the article here

And speaking of Bloggers, you remember the lively Reva, from Reva's Rags 2 Roses? Well she's been working on some wonderful widgets for me. Check out my new rosebud header, that my friend is courtesy of Reva. She also designed a new banner for my Etsy shop, which you will see the moment I get out of vacation mode, sometime NEXT week. I am excited about her upcoming plans to open an Etsy shop of her own! She will provide custom widget magic as well as some of her choice thrift store finds and hand-made goodies. Once it's up and running, I will post a link to her shop. 

PLEASE vote for the Citizen over @ Vogue Gone Rouge!

Well, Vogue Gone Rogue has chosen the top 5 finalists for her Greece hide-away give-away. I can't believe it: I actually made it in the top 5! GET OUT! Well, I NEED YOUR HELP! There's not one single vote for me yet, and I can't vote for myself. One vote per IP address, so make your voice heard. Click here, and vote for your favorite, which I hope is ME! The theme was "Essence of Fall," the prize is a week's stay at a luxury cottage( for 6) in Greece. Just leave a comment at the end of the Vogue's post, with your vote and email address. Voting ends soon. THANK YOU for your support!

Let me take a moment to give an extra thank YOU, to all my wonderful readers who stop by and take the time to read this blog. I wouldn't be having such a grand time without you! I've now hit over 175 followers, so yes a give-away is in order. I just haven't had a moment to photograph the gifts for the give-away, but will do so sooooon! For sure there's going to be 3 prizes, and they will all include swag from the recent Sac Blogger Meet-ups. I will also include some art-work and "Citizen Rosebucks", a $20.00 gift card to my Etsy shop. So check back and be sure to enter the giveaway. 

Kisses at you, darlings. Talk at ya soon!           -Bella Q

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sacramento Fashion Bloggers


  1. Kari, Natale Eve, "Lil' Bits" and Angeline take the camera head on.
  2. Local ingenue, Jen Wade looks oh-so Jackie O in her cool-as-school shades.
  3. The irrepressible Melody Stone is going places.
  4. Bloggers make great listeners.
  5. When God was passing out pretty, Kari Shipman got in line twice.
  6. Nicole aka "Lil Bits" is an art teacher by day, fashion blogger by night. 
  7. Natale Eve & Melody exhibiting "biker chic."
  8. The baby of the bunch, 20-year old Coco is on the rise.
  9. Some people are just born to shine. 
  10. Jen Wade strikes a pose.
  11. Coco and Natale shake things up.