"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau
When Megan,
The Fashionable Bureaucrat tweeted "
I'm quitting my job in 1 hour. #happydanceofglee #feelingnauseated" my stomach clenched a little. And I took a big breath and made a wish for her. After all, this marvelously styled woman is obviously off to explore a new adventure, sans her old
day job. My heart goes out to Megan, and all I can say is that I hope she gets plenty of opportunity for success! I suppose I can relate more than a little- after all, in a matter of speaking, I just quit my "day job" too. Now my main income and my focus is selling vintage and the pre-loved goods that I've been collecting for over two decades . Let's hope this new day job can bring me better financial favor than I had working in kitchens.
I am a nervous Nellie about the challenges but think I'm up for the adventure. There are so many sisters who also are doing it for themselves! I take note from the likes of
Karina Dresses designer, Karina Cousineau, and Serene
The Elegant Bohemian who also sells on
eBay, A big inspiration for me is Gabriala, who is not only the elegant dresser of
Style Higher, but a business savvy CEO and Green business owner. She is someone who appreciates organics and sustainability, making products that are
people friendly and good for the environment. Local friends, like Jodie who runs
Lemon Drop Boutique, and O'maima of
Beats and Bohos, have created wonderful businesses and have given me smart advice to help make it happen for me too.
First Rate Women Who SHOP SECONDHAND FIRST. (And sell it!) |
Women like Vix, Terri, Dusk, glorious creatures I haven't met, but who put the fire in my belly with the determination to succeed in the currency of joy and happiness. I want to send out a thank you to every soul sister who is carving out their own take on happiness and still finds the resources to be a source of strength and support for others. Vix is thrillingly selling her vintage stash at her Kinky Melon's Retro Boutique, and word on the street is that Terri, the academic with a heart of gold is nearing retirement and will be supplementing her income on eBay too.
One-of-a-Kind Finds: This Gorgeous Coat is Available HERE until March 21st. |
I remember a conversation I had with a dear friend (Hi, Antonia!) from many years ago: her point was what a life changer a $500 increase of income a month would be to a woman. The more I give thought to her premise, the more I believe it to be true. That could be someone's travel budget, or the difference between buying those extras for your kids, or a second chance that you might not otherwise afford. It all comes down to creating a cottage industry that helps channel money to women to aid in their establishment of financial security and independence. It was that conversation that triggered my then hobby of buying and selling vintage into a dream and a goal to earn my keep by doing it.It's been a long time coming, but that time is now.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
And bloom.
Which in a not-so-round-about-way, has everything to do with this blog. I began it, nearly 5 years ago as a way to promote an earlier attempt to start my own business. I'm a bit lagging, but this is the moment it truly begins. I hope you are rooting for me, and for all the women who are muscling their way into a independent marketplace.
Speaking of muscles, and marketplace, I have some good news! As of next week, I will have a small space selling at
Atlas in the Fremont district. Fremont is a neighborhood deserving of a whole blog unto itself, but in short, a fantastic space to move into. So it's official- I'm a poet/dreamer/rabble rouser who also happens to be a clothing re-seller. Say hello to the new day job: curator/purveyor for Citizens of Rosebud, one-of-a-kind finds for original people.
Top it Off: Great Hats for Good People. Available HERE HERE and HERE |
If you're on Facebook, I've created a special FIRST DIBS photo album where I'll be posting my best finds before I list them. You'll have 2 days to call dibs- before listing, and get a great deal. If we do the sales through We Pay, instead of Paypal (it's a lot cheaper!) and I'm not paying the listing fees for eBay or Etsy, I can afford to give you a great price on a goodie. This link gets you access even if you don't have a Facebook account.
I invite you to visit the shops, and I can even give you a discount code for the Etsy shop! Use code ROSEBUD at checkout and get 10% off your purchase. I'm going after my dreams and am going to live the life I've imagined. Won't you join me?
Linking up the irresistable charms of
Lakota for Ta-dah Tuesday
Good luck girl! :)
That's very exciting! Good luck to you on your new adventure!
I wish you every fabulous success, BellaQ! The working and working and working just to survive can be so soul destroying... to do what you love and march to your own drum and be answerable only to yourself would be AMAZING. So YAY FABULOUS YOU!!!!
Sarah xxx
I wish you every success. I still have ten weeks to go at my day job...but I'm raring to try some other things. I've got your back.
I wish your shop a great success! I certainly had a blast shopping your etsy store.
On that note, the sweater has arrived and it is fabulous. Pics will follow as soon as I have free daylight hours...
I wish you all the luck in the wold, my dear friend- sister, ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Much love always.
Best of luck on your new adventure!
Bella!! You are the BOMB!!! I'm over the moon excited for you and touched to be included in such extraordinary company.... I have found that what really has helped make my business work thus far is that it has too! LOL Seriously, I've done best with this when I knew it HAD to work. Bella, this really is your moment!! And it's already a success, because you are so passionate about vintage and ethical fashion that it's infectious!! You get me psyched about being more of a creative woman and less of a consuming woman!! (Hey! I like that!!) Big hugs and big love to you girly! Serene
I wish you all the luck in the world :)
Good luck with it all hun, i know you will succeed.
X x
So exciting to see you writing about your new venture here. I was similarly inspired by Vix's post about why she quit her previous corporate life. I have absolutely no doubt that these seeds of your business will flower prolifically and bloom and bloom...and bloom.
I think it's great to see people quit what they don't love & start up what they do love! I wish more were brave to do it!! It's not easy, but we all get there in the end. Love this outfit, the dress and coat are spectacular!! All good luck with your shop & everyone else who has taken the step!! xx
You go girls...all fabulous, strong women!! I believe with your determination, you can do anything. Don't let closed doors discourage you..just keep going until you find the open ones. They are there...they exist and ready for you to walk through. You can all do this and actually the time has never been better to have online businesses...women need to save money, but still want to shop!!
I'm totally freaking out but I'm excited to reboot my life. This job has been sucking my soul for 7 years. The new one might too but I'll be in a new city with new opportunities. I'm touched that you were thinking of me yesterday. =)
My excitement at your new venture has been building - I really feel like I'm watching something beautiful unfold. I'm so happy for you Bella and yes you certainly have some amazing, kind bloggers to inspire you. I wish you all the very, very best out of the kitchen and doing what you love most! xoxoox
Good luck, Bella! Your posts are so inspiring - thank you so much for those balm-like words you put into the world! xxx
Best of luck. And great coat.
AWESOME Bella~~ Nothing but success for you!!
I'm so excited to wacth you bloom like this!!
Good Luck! You give me inspiration to my next big change.We have The Doc's retirement and a big move next year. As I hate sitting around, I've been getting my mind around a retirement plan. (those jackets I found....hint). Yeah to new adventures!
I am thrilled for you, Bella! You're a brave, talented woman and you're inspiring us all. I have bookmarked your pages, and you will see me shopping there : > xoxoxoxo
So exciting and scary at the same time!! My hubby and I have taken similar steps in our own perspective careers. I know exactly what you mean about how a $500 increase in income can change a woman's life. It is part of the reason I am such a big proponent of the shop local movement/2nd hand-- I want to try to support people instead of corporations. The more independent business we have means we will have stronger local/2nd markets and in turn, stronger communities. I think the tide is really turning in this area. Plz keep us posted on your progress/challenges/successes... I love shop talk lolzzz When Frocktasia and Vix posts shop posts I'm always so interested to see what's going on!!
Becky :)
I know you're going to do very well just on Etsy alone. I offer gift items and I do pretty well. You have offerings that women will purchase year round, not just seasonally, so you'll do Fantastically!!
I need to check out Atlas soon!
Wishing abundant blessings on you and your new day job Bella dear!!
Am I rooting for you? Absolutely!! Go get em, Bella!
YAY Bella! You're so brave! I'm on your side and you have my support. If there's anything I can do for you all you need to do is ask.
PS - I'm in love with your dress!
Spashionista (Alicia)
Congrats Bella! I can only imagine how happy and excited you are right now! I think now is the time to give your dream a real heartfelt try! I wish you success in your new business and I am always on the look out for that one I can't live without item in your shop :)
wish you a great and joyful success, and a lot of fun in your business!, you deserve it and I'm so glad you're sharing all that flourishing with us!!
bloom madly, my dear lady!!
besos & flores
Absolutely behind you all the way Bella, good luck and onwards and upwards!
You GO Girl!! I am so happy for you !!! (and pleased that I could contribute in some small way). Sometimes we've just got to close our eyes and jump, and we have no idea what marvelous things await us if we don't take the risk. I wish you every success.
I wish you lots of luck.
hi bella. i know you will do so well. there is magic in vintage. i have sold it all my life for 30 years now. i love it so much every day is an adventure. i send you lots of good wishes.
you look beautiful in that photo. the dress compliments you so well . kisses lucy
As another Ebay vintage seller, I know it can be really hard work but if you love doing it, that's OK. I wish you every possible success, Bella, it is a great opportunity to build a business out of your passion. xxxx
Good luck, Bella!
YaY, my Bella!!!!
You are the inspiration behind soo many bloggers. Women who might otherwise have remained in the trap of mundacity. You allow us to bloom with you, and I thank you!!!
You've got this one in the bag ;)
super big-ass hugs!!!
I am so excited for you. Congratulations and many many many wishes of success. I am so inspired by sisters doing it for themselves.
You'll be great - you're so motivated and talented, and this is your time! That is an amazing coat - it's not quite for me, but I'd better check out all your other stuff. You have such great taste!
I love the thought of having that kind of freedom, but in the US you still have to worry about your own health insurance. I really miss that about the UK. Just think how many happy self-employed people there would be here if we didn't have to worry about paying the nasty insurance corporations.
Good luck Bella! And good for you for finally doing it! I know you've worked on the idea before bit I do think sometimes we need to focus all out energy in one place to have it pay off. I can't wait to see howit all works out!
Para delante con tu planes; nunca atras ni para cojer impulso!
Mucho amor,
Oh my dear Bella I am more than rooting for you! Your quest is so pure... and you are a champion of so many! I see you comments around our blog world... always doling out such love and encouragement! You are such an inspiration... I hope you realize how truly loved... and loving you are. I send you mine!
You are so awesome you can't fail, my darling!!! Gutsy wench, go YOU!!!!
Yay to freedom and taking a leap of faith. We've never looked back, we're not rich by any stretch of the imagination but we're happy and that's all that counts.
Wishing you all the luck in the world - not that you need it, you are pure magic. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations! Brava! I know in my heart that you will be a huge success. This exciting new venture has magnificent written all over it.
Good luck in your new venture. It's exciting to do something different, new and unknow. Way to go!
I think it's great when women become entrepreneurs, as a former boutique owner myself I know it is not easy. It's always best to follow your heart and dreams, wishing you the best with your new ventures. /Madison :)
Hip, hip, hooray for Bella! I love an entrepreneurial woman. As a small business owner, I can say it's one of the hardest things I've ever undertaken, but it's also been incredibly rewarding. Hopefully, it will be fulfilling and fun and financially rewarding for you, Bella!
~Sarah of Sarah Hulbert Style
It takes guts and passion to set out on your own, but the rewards are well worth it, in my opinion. And it ceases to be 'work' and just becomes 'your life.' Wishing you every success!
Well,I have to wish you good luck ,woman!
I am super happy for you - and perhaps super envious of you as well. I follow your Etsy shop, and tho' I'm not on FB much, will check in there,too!
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