Thursday, February 17, 2011

outfit post: Triple Denim, Double Stripes

Move over "Canadian Tuxedo,"
and say hello to the Pan-American, or Triple Denim. 

You are witnessing three, count 'em, THREE layers of denim on my body. T-H-R-E-E, tres, trois, or as they say in Ottawa, "three, eh?" Three colors of jean on me, and I lived to tell the tale. Folks: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! This is a dangerous combination, highly combustible, and if careless, can cause injury to the wearer. To be honest, I narrowly escaped with my life.

For some reason, I've been layering two pairs of skirts all winter, pretending I own a petticoat, and thought to try it with my two full jean skirts. The addition of my recently acquired grey demin jacket from Thrift Town, was pure Yankee gumption. I really like the cut of its jib. Since I was already doused in denim, it was a slippery slope and so I ruthlessly added a pairing of mismatched stripes: a Target purchased acrylic navy-black pullover (from last winter) and my grey-/black striped knee highs. Ok, I'll confess: I have 3 of the exact pairs of these socks. I buy my socks in threes.  So if I lose one sock, I'll always be able to muster up a pair. There's nothing worse than ending up with a lonely-only of your favorite pair of socks. 

Interesting story (not really): I sometimes sneak into my neighbor's yard to take my pictures. He is a friendly old man, who is himself a hobbyist photographer, so he's pretty supportive of my shutter-bugging. Well, he caught me frolicking in his yard in my triple threat of denim.  I was trying to apologize, you know, for blatantly trespassing, which is difficult to do when you are wearing a Pan-American, but he cut me off. Laughing, he wanted to see what I had taken so far. After a quick peek in the view-finder, he shook my hand and told me I was always welcome to use his yard to take my pictures.  I just love my neighbors!

Now Wearing: 
  • Red knit cap, thrifted
  • Vintage Dooney & Burke leather shoulderbag, thrifted
  • Grey jean jacket, thrifted
  • Striped Sweater, Tar-jay
  • Old jean skirt
  • Old jean skirt, thrifted
  • Striped knee-high socks
  • Vintage black leather boots, thrifted


mispapelicos said...

You are wearing 2 skirts??? how fantastic is that??? Brilliant idea that I will try one of this days.I love thew colour pic, but the black and white one is so beautiful.
I would love you to come to my patio for fotos my dear Bella.
Mil besos siempre.

My Heart Blogged said...

I love how full it is. I would have never thought to do that. The stripe socks, and shirt work really well together. You are kind of a mix master.
My Heart Blogged

Franca said...

Yay for nice neighbours! loving your trple denimed outfit and how cute is the hat!!

Vix said...

Rockin' the triple denim, Bella. I adore that Love bag so much.
Your neighbour sounds a sweetheart. xxx

Collette Osuna said...

LOVE the funny!! I answered DENIM is my fabric choice last night, hehehe....great minds I tell ya, lol:)

Love the layers....and of course the fun stripes!!!

Stop by and say Hello:)
Enter my EL Vintage Giveaway!!♥

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

Denim is a great fabric to add layers to...and the stripes on the shirt and socks...such fun!! My favorite here though is hands down the pink hat...I think that is why the B & W photo frustrates me!!

Ofelia said...

Bella you are a triple threat! Really like the knee-high socks and the boots

Unknown said...

I gotta tell ya....the denim layered skirts are BRILLIANT! When I first saw the pic, I thought, "Wait, is that 2 skirts or is that how it's made?" The two of them are like pb and chocolate! Great apart but FABULOUS together! ~Serene

Anonymous said...

I would have never thought of layering skirts especially denim skirts! How neat is that.

Unknown said...

Cute! I love all of your layering! It's like a denim layering party going on. Fantastic. Your neighbor sounds so sweet.

Marta said...

three layers of denim? i will definitely try this at home!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Who cares if you set yourself on fire, at least you look great going down in flames :)

The layered skirt thing is something I will now try. LOVE IT.


Anupriya DG said...

Lolz!! Wish I had such generous neighbours!
Loving the balance of stripes on the upper & lower half of the outfit..... :)

WendyB said...

Wow, I'm going to have to dedicate a new double-denim post to you!

Kristy Elena said...

this post is so adorable. I love your whole story of you sneaking into your neighbor's yard. he sounds so cute!! how sweet of him to let you frolic on. =)

ok when i first looked at this outfit i did not at all see the three layers of denim until i read what you wrote. it doesn't look like you've layered two skirts, it looks like that's the way the skirt is. and the fact that the jacket is grey denim doesn't evoke a denim feel. in my opinion, you're totally allowed to wear denim with other denim so long as it works together, and i think yours does. you look so cute!! i really like it.

also, have i ever mentioned how much i adore your eyebrows????

Kristy Eléna - Full Time Fabulous
Vogue Gone Rogue
Twitter: @kristyelena

brookemeagan said...

Ha ha we say "three, eh" here in Manitoba too. These layers of denim work wonders together. I would never have known the skirt was actually two skirts. All three shades of denim just go so nicely together. It's a match made in denim heaven! And your neighbour sounds so sweet. xoxo

De Vero said...

What a great combination you did! Looks really cool!

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Great combination - I love the idea of a denim petticoat! xxx

Vanessa said...

The look is good! I love the stripes and you are boldly rocking the triple denim!

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

2 layered skirts? both denim! brill idea, so cute!

Daisy Dayz Home
Cross-Jones-Photography Home

Ife' said...

Oh, Bella! LOL. I am pretty sure Fabrice thinks I'm crazy because he is in the other room and I am laughing my ass off reading this post... I mean LOUD! Lol

Anyway, you look lovely! If I hadn't read the post I definitely would have thought the two skirts were one. It just looks like two toned denim.. good job! I used to have a gray jean jacket..ugh! where is that thing?

Okay, last thing... can you teach me how to wear beanies and little crocheted hats as stylishly as you? I think my head might be too big. It doesn't ever work out so well when I try it. Lol!

Anonymous said...

Loving the idea of layered skirts...and kindly neighbors.

Joy said...

I think this outfit totally rocks and so does your neighbor!

Unknown said...

I briefly had a flash of a denim pantsuit....thank god I was able to blot it from my memory with a peek at your photos...better now. Yes, this is a dangerous attempt but very successful.
How do you get a double skirt not to FEEL like a double skirt??? Paula

stylenuggets said...

The denim on denim on denim was worth it 'coz the outfit is so colourful. And hats off to your neighbour for being so nice!

Fabienne Jach said...

Bella you broke the Code of Denim! Only you could get away with it. It's totally charming:) I think I have the same socks, too. I've never done two skirts together, one more thing to try someday!

Unknown said...

There it is right there!!!!!!!!
The reason I love you so much :)
You don't follow the herd and u dance to your own drum........
Actually I think you made the sticks, too!

Unknown said...

ps, the Black and White is perfect!
( You know how much I love it! )

Leia said...

Denim and stripes, perfect combination! It sounds like you have an awesome neighbour. I have such a difficult time finding places for shoots!


Tali @ RockMyHeels said...

Wow, three layers of denim! But I must say skirt on skirt, both denim, si already bold, but you pull it off so beautifully!
I like your neighbour too haha))


Ms. Falcon said...

still struggling with denim on denim ... but i really like the idea of wearing two skirts. i tried that before but it never worked... your double-denim skirts are just amazing.

i'm following...
you'll get a mail soon.

Anonymous said...

That's 2 skirts? I totally would have just thought it was one tiered skirt. Cute idea!

And I love the stripes of the socks!

The Auspicious Life

The Photodiarist said...

Hey Rosebud! I like the look -- especially the red cap.

Heather Fonseca said...

Great outfit! I love the way the blue stripe on the bottom of the skirt (or is it and extra skirt?) ties in with the blue stripes on your sweater and the sweater ties in with socks. It's a doll worthy outfit!

Angeline said...

love it! I especially love the layered skirts.