Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Igloo You

Kaks' on kaunista kesällä: lehti puussa, ruoho maassa,
minä kohta kolmantena, minä lehti liehumassa,
minä kukka kuulumassa, minä heinä heilumassa.
Vaan en huoli huolikana, hyvä heinä, heilumahan,
hyvä kukka, kuulumahan, lemmenlehti, liehumahan;
ei pahat hyvästä tieä, ei katalat kaunihista,
rupalötöt ruskiasta, pullosuut punaverestä.
-Kolme kaunista
Summer is twice beautiful--
leaf on tree and grass on ground;
but I shall soon be a third--
I a leaf waving
I a flower heard of
I a stalk swinging.
And yet I do not worry
a good stalk, about swinging
a good flower, about fame
a sweet leaf, about waving:
the bad doesn't part itself from the good
the base from the beautiful, 
no difference found between boyish rosy cheeks
and the blood red mouths stained from Catalan wine.

-Three Things of Beauty
Got my haircut today. My first professionally done "do" in over a decade. Gonna post about it later this week. Enjoy the Soumi, peeps. 
Teet rakkaus lykätä


Unknown said...

I realize that this may seem random, but it's the first thing that hit me about your post. You have such a pretty face! Seriously, its like classic Sofia Loren! Hugs! ~Serene

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

I love the lace is beautiful and I agree with Serene you have a gorgeous face!! The poem was appropriate for me because South Texas feels like summer already, humid and hot (over 90) which means summer will be unbearable!!

Unknown said...

you get your hair cut and then wear a hat?! a cute hat, but c'mon!!!

Lee Oliveira said...

Ok.. I must have your hat.. its getting cold here now..!
I love the backdrop of your photos.
Lee x

Unknown said...

Cute, cute, cute. I'm lovin the lace top, and that hat, well, its just fabulous. I can't wait to see your pictures of your hair cut!!!

mispapelicos said...

But you are covering your hair with a hat...More suspense...
You strike as not only beautiful, but powerful inside and out.Off with the hair.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

You are so photogenic lady. That first shot is just gorgeous!

Collette Osuna said... look super cute in this hat!

Sara Kristiina said...

Oh, how beautiful, kuinka kaunista!
Very pretty finnish poem, and it has a meter of Kalevala, so I like it :) I appreciate that you included those beautiful finnish lines to your post, my friend :>

And these photos of yours, so gorgeous! Love the hat, looks good on you!


The Suburb Experiment said...

That first picture is amazing! I'm wondering if the haircut was a good experience?


Bella dear, you are beyond adorable!! I love this & those stockings/socks!! Lovely poem! Appologies for my late arrival to this beautiful conversation! -xxoo

Marissa said...

Do you speak Finnish? I'm even more fascinated by you now! That's a truly beautiful poem. As others have said, the hat is adorable, but I'm looking forward to seeing this new haircut of yours. :)

My Heart Blogged said...

I love the poem. I can't wait to see your new do hiding under your hat.
My Heart Blogged

Anonymous said...

Pretty lace, funky cool socks and super neat boots! Lovely poem too!

Unknown said...

Love, Lovey, Love!
Inspiring me............
I need to get my indie on!

Kristy Elena said...

what a beautiful post! everything from the gorgeous photos, to your poses, to the outfit and the poem (soumi is the poem?) is just perfect and inspiring.

i'm getting my hair done professionally soon too!! i'm SO NERVOUS! =P but also excited. can't wait to see your new 'do.

Kristy Eléna - Full Time Fabulous
Vogue Gone Rogue
Twitter: @kristyelena

Unknown said...

You're just teasing us and building up the suspense for the new do--well, you got me. I'll be back....

Ofelia said...

Bella, I love the first photo of you! You look so beautiful.
You entire outfit is very summery and I can't wait to see your haircut!

Unknown said...

That close up of you is so beautiful! I love the boots and knee high look, and have yet to do this myself! Lovely poem.

WendyB said...

I like that you're dressed for winter AND summer!

Fierce Fabulous Fit said...

Gosh, you're gorgeous. For some reason the hat (I think) just really frames your face in a way that brings it out!! I love that! Sooo pretty! :)

The Adventures of a Shopaholic said...

thanks for yuor comment!:)
your blog is so cute..
if you want you'll be my follower:)

Anika said...

Bella my darling friend. There is something about you that makes my heart beat faster every time I think of you, which is often, every time I see your picture, every time I read your words. You have a grace, a presence, I guess it is your soul shining so strongly. My life is happier just knowing you are out there. thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. I am sitting in a coffees op in Brussels writing this, sending you much love.

theequinebovine said...

you were a hit in the cafe. all the girls were so envious!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that first picture. That cap gives such a fine depth to your dark eyes.

Unknown said...

You're one of the few that can pull off that hat with grace. Really pretty. Can't wait to see this haircut.

Reddest Roar said...

I can safely say that in that top pic particularly, you are a true beauty. It's a stunner.