Friday, September 23, 2011

Kaftan Ladies

Yon rising Moon that looks for us again--
How oft hereafter will she wax and wane;
How oft hereafter rising look for us
Through this same Garden--and for one in vain!
And if the Wine you drink, the Lip you press
End in what All begins and ends in--Yes;
Think then you are To-day what Yesterday
You were--To-morrow You shall not be less.

excerpts from The Rubaiyat, by Omar Khayyam 
Life just lives better in a kaftan: Kara, Ann and Kerry living large in a kaftan

Not that long ago, I attended a lovely little get-together hosted by the ever-charming Ann Tindell. Much to my surprise I was the only guest who didn't show up in a kaftan. The other girls looked so enchanting in their long and colorful robes. I think I now need one of my own. 

Here's a bit of history on the Kaftan

The Kartan Ladies are, in order of appearance: 


Stephanie Loudmouth said...

So pretty! I want one!

Helga said...

I thought that looked like Ann in the first pic!! Lucky you,meeting Ann in the flesh!!EEK!

Pearl Westwood said...

All the kaftans are so glamorous!!

Please may I? said...

They all look so lovely.

X x

Unknown said...

How beautiful!! I want one now!!!

The Foolish Aesthete said...

Well, you know how I feel about kaftans. In Iman's words, "I never met a kaftan I didn't like." Love the words from The Rubaiyat too!

Franca said...

eeek! what a great selection! Did it happen by accident or did they plan it? I have a lovely kaftan but I have only ever worn it in fancy dress.

Unknown said...

Lovely :) and oh soo pretty xx

gabrielle said...

did they plan that? i love!! they look like characters from a movie!!


Anonymous said...

You must have missed the memo!! Next time! They look enchanting, indeed. I love all the colours and prints. I've been finding myself lusting more and more after long flowing skirts and dresses. A kaftan would be perfect. Happy Weekend!

lasophia said...

kaftans! I still dont have one, I feel like it would swallow my 5 foot frame whole. I think these ladies are lovely and thats great that you showcased them. Mental note for next time. When in doubt, think kaftan.

Anonymous said...

I recognized Ann right away...but I'm amazed that you don't own a caftan.

Anonymous said...

Feels very Moroccan. Such beautiful vibrant prints.

Adrienne said...

I need a kaftan in my life. Pronto. Now. So pretty :)


theequinebovine said...

Hey, I can comment! wahhoo..Thanks for the pics Bella..It was so oddly cosmic that us 3 were swinging from the same star :) xox

Anonymous said...

love the kaftans!

Unknown said...

Kaftans are too awesome! I love the gorgeous ones worn by the ladies in your photo!

One of my favorite things to wear is my grandmother's kaftan -- a vintage cotton batik one. They still make them in Sri Lanka (where I'm from) and my mother brought me another one recently from there, but it's not as nice as my grandmother's one. But I'm planning on wearing both this Fall!


For some weird reason I've always envisioned me having a green emerald kaftan... My Papa has an old family one... these are lovely on the ladies above. ;)

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

What a bloody gorgeous night out with the three kaftan ladies - Ann looks fabulous! I would be quite happy to snaffle any of these three glorious gowns!!! xoxoxox

Adrienne said...

Gave you a blog award today :)


The Style Crone said...

Beautiful kaftans! Beautiful women! Can't wait to see the kaftan you discover.

Luna Tiger said...

Lovely prints ! The picture in the garden is beautiful !

mispapelicos said...

I should be there with you lot.

UN-stitched said...

These ladies look amazing and that night looked like alot of fun! I will have to check out their blogs. Hope you are well, Bella! Hugs! Christine

Fabienne Jach said...

Dang, you just made me want to buy a kaftan.
xoxo, f

Unknown said...

how beautiful are those kaftans? I want one as well :)

The Closet Shopper said...

I'm afraid of the Kaftan. But after seeing how lovely they look in them, I might have to get one as well.


Jamillah said...

Oooooo! I love a kaftan. I can't wait to see you in one!!!

Now i'm off to check these pretty ladies.

Mode Plus said...

My mother used to rock these back in the 70s, soo cool! I instantly crave a pina colada and wish it was 25 celcius degrees. Hahaha...