Thursday, July 15, 2010

i heart blogs

Got Blog?
I do! And there are some blogs that I can't live without. The following is my top 10 blogs that I think you shouldn't live without either:

Roz, the wunderkind behind Clothes, Camera and Coffee gives me goosebumps. She is a real and great beauty but hardly seems to notice it, so caught up herself in her love of art and fashion. She doesn't merely pose her outfits, she and her family collaborate and make the most inspiring fashion editorial style shoots in the beautiful country side of England. She is a MAJOR vintage lover, and what I love about her is that she actually creates mood boards of her outfits. Mark my words: THIS GIRL IS THE FUTURE OF FASHION. I have no doubt she'll be the Anna Della Russo or Anne Wintour of her generation. Or the next Grace Coddington.

Another photographer, this Norwegian beauty takes photographs as swooningly gorgeous as her own lovely face. She is a soulful stylist and down-to-earth spirit and her photos and her outfits reflect that. Barbro is no slave to fashion. She is more trend-setter than follower and her pictures are full of inspiration. You won't find any "It" bags in Barbro Andersen's blogs, but a pair or two of of her Louboutins are par for the course.

Zoe Cullie is frosted-over, frozen Popsicle cool. This Denver demi-goddess is one of the cool girls everyone likes whether or not she bothers to talk to you. Her Haiku is hip, and from what I can tell, she's only recently been blogging but has already won accolades on her amazing style the world over. God knows, this girl can rock an outfit, and is so full of clever, witty quips, you just have to check out her blog. Her byline is: an historical tour de force, grilled to perfection. Which may be a gross understatement. Best of all, she's got a tattoo of her favorite poet on her arm. How awesome is that?

Nathalie, a Swedish-Italian hybrid is a beauty who makes lovely photos of lovely outfits. Her style is effortless, and clothes hang particularly well on her svelte frame. Doesn't hurt that she has cheekbones to kill for and legs that'll take you into next week.  If you like genuine gamine style, you'll love My Floor is Red.

Welcome to Wayne's world. This is a world of street style as seen through the eyes of professional photographer, Wayne Tippets. Chronicling street style from around the globe since the late 1980's, Mr. Tippets captures more than mere outfits but the expressions of each personality. Think of this blog as a beautiful coffee table book on wheels. Seriously the best photos in street fashion ever. Yes, better than the Sartorialist. Go see for yourself.

Maybe it's because I freaking love the name. Or because she is a major thrift-store junkie who rocks the fuck out of vintage like nobody's business, or maybe because she's a beauty from my hometown, Sacramento. But Lisa M, the siren behind the Starship always makes for good blog, each time, every time.

Three words: Mad, mad, mad style, California, Rock-n-roll. Ok, maybe that wasn't EXACTLY 3 words. So here's a fourth: AWESOME.

Write this name down: Jemina Jakin. This Singapore beauty & proud mother, very recently started her fashion blog due to popular demand. I first saw her in post on the Glamourai.  A REAL SWEETHEART. Not only has this lady got a world-class wardrobe, she is so warm and friendly and supportive of other bloggers, that if your heart was an ice cube, it would already be melted.

9) Violet Folklore. 
You may already know I'm a big fan of the people behind this blog. My lovely friend Amber Magnolia and her beautiful family really showcase the spirit of California in the country and bring out their best in the beautiful setting of Grass Valley.

10) Grit & Glamour
Well, at least to me. Freshly discovered by me, but pretty well established in the blogosphere, this FIERCE tell-it-like-it-is writer dishes it out and looks good doing so. I've especially loved her two recent VLOGS on blogging. She gives great advice on what to do, and what NOT to do (HINT: don't play music!)

This whole event is inspired by Kai Müller from the German Blog "StyleSpion", according to the blogger at Stylish Kids who created this global, blog-loving event on IFB, and most definitely has a blog worth visiting.

some of the participants: 


jemina said...

Bella, oh darling you made me blush blush blush, thank you soooo much for the LOVE, I heart your blog too and you know that, so how to participate? should i just blog about it or must I go through ifb? once again, thank you sweetie, humbling and honoured at the same time, love love love, J, XOXO

jemina said...

PS: thanks for the links of the other blogs that you love, I will check them out now :)), xoxo

kiwaczek2 said...

goody , will check them out


Thank you sugar...what a treat! You honor me, and I so appreciate it.

♥ V

DIANA said...

Oh hun thanks for sharing some of your favorite blogs with us!! I love your blog I usually visit your blog but I sometimes forget to comment on it oooooopss!!! But I love ,love the commitment and the love you have for your blog♥

Rebecca said...

I have so many "favourite" blogs, I couldn't compile a top ten!

natale eve said...

Thanks for the blogger tips! Great choices.

Lisa said...

Thank you so much for including me! I will have to check the ones I don't know about when I get a chance<3

Anonymous said...

You led me to Isuisofrenia and I already adore her blog so I'm totally going to check out these other ones too!

Isquisofrenia said...

oh oh thank you! hahah
and im commenting on jeminas blog now
and she has such a cool style
love the girl!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ohhhhh, gotta love link love. And it's SO much fun exploring new blogs!!

p.s. Thank you SO much for joining our Rosebud network. We would love it if you would display our "I'm a Rosebud" banner somewhere on your beautiful blog. If it's already there and I missed it, please forgive me. I'm gonna blame it on not enough caffeine. HA! Don't forget to show your pretty bloggy face over at la blog! We're linking one of you nearly every day and featuring one of you every week and we're really hoping to drum up lots of support for our network members! Big hugs!

Rosalind said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful piece you wrote about me! Funnily enough, I'd just finished commenting on someone else's "I heart blogs" post when I cam across this! It sounds like a really great initiative..But I agree with a commenter above, I couldn't narrow down my blogs to ten!

Thank you for YET another really thoughtful and insightful comment, my mum saw it too and really appreciated it!

Oh & I took a look through the other blogs you featured, and have added a few of them to my favourites!

Casee Marie said...

I love your post, and it was such a brilliant idea to include a list of other participants! This is such a fun project - I'm finding so many new blogs today (:

Anonymous said...

i love that you put reviews of peoples' blogs! a great way to spread some talent out there- good idea.

the Citizen Rosebud said...

I'm glad you like it! As you can tell, I'm so hooked on this blogger thing and there are SOOOO many amazing undiscovered gems out there.
Show me yours!

Genevieve said...

Great list! Bookmarked Streetstyle Aesthetic, thanks for sharing :)

Arielle said...

Thanks for becoming a follower to my blog! You have a great blog and sense of style yourself. Also, thank you for correcting me on my grammatical error! There's nothing worse than that. ;)


Arielle said...

Also, count me as a follower of yours now too!

the Citizen Rosebud said...

Arielle, thanks for not getting offended by my school marm charm. You have such a great style blog, and I'm so happy to have found you!

La Société de Mode | The Fashion Society said...

Omygoodness, thank you for introducing me to street style're right, it IS better than the sartorialist!!

the Citizen Rosebud said...

I'm glad you can appreciate SSA. Wayne Tippets is rapidly becoming my favorite fashion photographer!

Anonymous said...

I just found you through Jemina and I am so glad I did. xo Mish said...

It's, of course, a honour for me being featured here in your blog so I just have to say thank you, really, you've wrote such beautiful things!
Didn't know many of the other bloggers you've mentioned, have to take a look to them too!

Jenmarie said...

I'm going to be looking through your choices :)

Barbro Andersen said...

Wow, I can't believe I missed this post!! Thank you so much, sweetie - and it was posted on my BIRTHDAY TOO! :D

You're the very best, thank you!

the Citizen Rosebud said...

: )