Thursday, May 12, 2011

outfit post: Darker than Black

  And I, infinitesimal being,
  drunk with the great starry void,
  likeness, image of mystery,
  felt myself a pure part of the abyss,
  I wheeled with the stars,
  my heart broke loose on the wind.
                                                     -Pablo Neruda 

Now Wearing:
  • Bespoked knit cloche- Etsy
  • Merona cotton dress- Target
  • Vintage skinny leather belt
  • Mexican Mary cuff
    (hecho en Mexico)
  • Flaming Hag Folkwear Cuff, Crimson & Clover
  • Vintage hand-made  Moroccan leather slippers


Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

None more black! I love that dress shape on you Bella, can't believe it is from Target! xx

Pam @ over50feeling40 said...

What a great dress, Bella!! I have got to go by Target more often...but my favorite here is the cuff...I love cuffs and hope they stay in style a long time!!

Vix said...

Black looks so gorgeous on you, that dress fits you like a dream and the hat only emphasises your beauty. The jewels make me go weak at the knees. xxx

Unknown said...

Oooh the Mary bracelet. The MARY BRACELET!!! You look gorgeous in black and I love the simplicity of this outfit.

Sarah xxx

Sarah said...

Delish bracelets, and what a cute dress, darkest black yet springtime fresh. I like how it displays and accentuates your tattoos.

Ofelia said...

This look has a bit of the joyfulness of a flapper girl mix with the deep thoughtfulness of a Pablo Nedura poem!
If you like Pablo Neruda you may also like to read Ruben Dario.

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Are you sure that dress wasn't custom made for you? It fits like a dream and I love the lace peeking out:)). OK those cuffs are going to haunt me tonight - I swear they are so beautiful!! xoxoxoxoxox

Jill said...

You are like a 1920's hottie updated for today, which I love. The cuff is killing me, it is so beautiful and I like the slimmest of red belts around that dress. Girly with edge, love, love!

Unknown said...

Oooo. That dress rocks. Don't you just love Target? Those cuff's are gorgeous, and the picture you got of them is amazing!!

Thank you so much for your kind words, Bella. <3

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous in that cloche!

Unknown said...

That black dress is so cute, and I LOVE that you paired it wit those gorgeous tawny Moroccan slippers!!! Let's not forget that amazing it all!

Style Chic 360 said...

What a cute dress love the hat!

Unknown said...

Ooh, what a fantastic cuff. I also love the red belt with the all black. I adore red accessories with black or black and white polka dots. The belt also creates a lovely feminine silhouette.

Rebecca said...

You did a great job of making the black dress stand out with accessories. I like the hat.

mispapelicos said...

I love Pablo Neruda´s poem, your black dress and hat touch by the red belt, and adore the bracelet with "La virgen de Guadalupe", ahhhhhhhhhhhh I have goose pimples now.
Love U.

Anonymous said...

You have so many varied "looks", and they all work. Love that dress. Three cheers for a place you can purchase toilet paper and cute dresses!

Anupriya DG said...

Love the way you've worn that hat with the dress dear! And that bracelet is just wow! :)

Anonymous said...

to be honest,I prefer you in color! I feel like all the black doesn't match your sweet personality.

Nonetheless, you look great Bella.


Lauren Nicole
Front Row Spectator

Fashnlvr said...

Your black dress is totally adorable!! The cuffs are amazing! I love the way you belted and the Moroccan slippers are fabulous!

Jenmarie said...

Black is super chic and that's exactly what you are. That cuff is insane!

Unknown said...

Bella, you look so fabulous in black! and i love the embroidery on the dress.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I wish I could carry off a cloche as well as you do!

citizen rosebud said...

sacramento has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

I love Pablo Neruda´s poem, your black dress and hat touch by the red belt, and adore the bracelet with "La virgen de Guadalupe", ahhhhhhhhhhhh I have goose pimples now.
Love U.

citizen rosebud said...

Pull Your Socks Up! has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

Are you sure that dress wasn't custom made for you? It fits like a dream and I love the lace peeking out:)). OK those cuffs are going to haunt me tonight - I swear they are so beautiful!! xoxoxoxoxox

citizen rosebud said...

Vintage Vixen has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

Black looks so gorgeous on you, that dress fits you like a dream and the hat only emphasises your beauty. The jewels make me go weak at the knees. xxx

citizen rosebud said...

jill815 has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

You are like a 1920's hottie updated for today, which I love. The cuff is killing me, it is so beautiful and I like the slimmest of red belts around that dress. Girly with edge, love, love!

citizen rosebud said...

Misfits Vintage has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

Oooh the Mary bracelet. The MARY BRACELET!!! You look gorgeous in black and I love the simplicity of this outfit.

Sarah xxx

citizen rosebud said...

Pamela has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

What a great dress, Bella!! I have got to go by Target more often...but my favorite here is the cuff...I love cuffs and hope they stay in style a long time!!

citizen rosebud said...

Rebecca has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

You did a great job of making the black dress stand out with accessories. I like the hat.

citizen rosebud said...

Cloud of Secrets has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

Delish bracelets, and what a cute dress, darkest black yet springtime fresh. I like how it displays and accentuates your tattoos.

citizen rosebud said...

Penny Dreadful Vintage has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

None more black! I love that dress shape on you Bella, can't believe it is from Target! xx

citizen rosebud said...

RocquelleIsLovely has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

That black dress is so cute, and I LOVE that you paired it wit those gorgeous tawny Moroccan slippers!!! Let's not forget that amazing it all!

citizen rosebud said...

Yvonne has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

Your black dress is totally adorable!! The cuffs are amazing! I love the way you belted and the Moroccan slippers are fabulous!

citizen rosebud said...

Jenmarie has left a new comment on your post "outfit post: Darker than Black":

Black is super chic and that's exactly what you are. That cuff is insane!

theequinebovine said...

I came back to relive one of my favorite dresses on you. I am so into this. you look fabu!