Monday, July 12, 2010

pattern PLAY


Trying my hand at a little mixology, ala the Glamourai. That's when you not only pile pattern onto pattern but also layer texture on texture.

Polka dots, diagonal stripes, large-seed-beads, feathers as ear-rings, gingham grosgrain, metal and ribbon necklace and more polkas make for a heady cocktail. (Hope it comes dirty with a couple of olives.

I think I must be a little bit punchy from all the textures and patterns because I think I'm doing the cabbage patch.

You probably can't see it, but the feathers in the ear-rings are black with white dots, echoing the polka dots in the head band and pants. I feel a bit like a gypsy in all these accessories. But I liked the outfit (it was super comfy) so much I wore it again the next day, only without all the hoo-haws, simplifying  the look with just the floral pin and the dotted hairband. Put on pointy ballerina flats and set the course for coolio on a hot summer's day.

Which was nice as it was an impromptu trunk show at the Citizen's HQ, where and handful of super lovely ladies showed up and tried on a bunch of summer frocks. I wanted to take pictures of the festivities, but there was always a lady or two in a state of undress, I didn't dare. I did get to snap some photos of a beautiful girl who totally epitomizes  the look and style of Citizen Rosebud.  I'm going to post her pictures tomorrow. We all had such a great time, and I can't wait to do it again. Thanks to all the beautiful friends who stopped by and showed their support. You really made my week!

 Now Wearing: 
  • Polka-dot scarf, thrifted
  • Feather ear-rings, Bespoked/Be Quiet Vintage Fashion Bazaar
  • Striped halter top. re-made by the Citizen Rosebud
  • 1960's vintage flower broach, thrifted
  • Gingham ribbon
  • Black Seed/Beaded Necklace, thrifted (Goodwill)
  • Polka-dot Harem shorts, re-made by the Citizen Rosebud
  • Gladiator high-heel sandals, Target


jemina said...

You look BEAUTIFUL!!!, can't wait to see the lady's picture, YAY!!! much much love to you hun, J, xoxo

luciana said...

Cute pictures and lovely polka dots. And I'll answer your interview as soon as I can :)
Thank you so much :-*

the Citizen Rosebud said...

good morning lovely Jemina and Luci Ana! Thanks for all your sweet comments! xo. -Bella Q

Sara said...

WOW I love it! Black and white pattern mixing can be very awesome and is seldom used. I love that you mixed it up so well and with acessories, you look lovely.

Anonymous said...

Great shoes!;)

Isquisofrenia said...

omg this outfit is so cool, i would totally wear this, earring included, so funny i posted some feathers today too.
i think this pattern is so fun, i always love to see this kinda of combination because its very risky and totally amazing
you look fabulous and those shoes are freaken awesome, im selling some similar ones too.
ill post those soon ,you look gorgeous here!
hey im liking your outfits more and more.

Anonymous said...

Your sandals are magnificent. And I quite like all of the accessories. I feel like a gypsy when I wear a ton as well.

Emily said...

Ah, you look gorgeous! Brilliant outfit, polka-diddly-awesome!

Phoebe Rose said...

I'm loving the clashing prints...they look so cool! Love your shoes too!

natale eve said...

Hi, I'm a local Sacramenten and I just stumbled across your blog, which is so cute. Hope you can follow me too!

<3 natale eve

the Citizen Rosebud said...

you gals are all so cool! thanks for all the sweet words! you're MY peeps!

apparellel said...

i love this mixture of patterns and textures and you pull if off so well!


the blue penny said...

thank you my dear. xo.


You mixed this sticking to black and white, even though the patterns are different, they look like they go together! Awesome!

♥ V